BAG :)

hii. welcome to the House of  Wulan ..
We are an independent online shop located in Jogjakarta ..
We have a fashion collection that is always updated and modern,so do not miss to visit and shop at the House of Wulan ..

With love,
Miss Wulan hope to Achieve happy customer:)

For any comments & suggestions,

please let us know!
By email:
By SMS: 08170767614
By phone: 085643427070
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Price (Rp 90.000 - Rp 450.000 )

BG 023 KW 1.Rp 115.000
BG 009.Rp 120.000 (tas warna coklat,merah,kuning,hitam)

BG 010.Rp 120.000 (ada warna ijo,orange,kuning,item,coklat,ungu)

BG 011.Rp 130.000 ( ada warna merah,item,biru)

BG 012 Rp 120.000 (BG 0009.Rp 120.000 (tas warna coklat,merah,kuning,hitam)

BG 013 Rp 125.000 BG 0009.Rp 120.000 ( ada warna merah,item,biru)

BG 013.RP 120.000 ( ada warna merah,item,biru)

BG 014 .Rp 130.000 ( ada warna merah,item,biru)

BG 015 . Rp 135.000 ( ada warna merah,item,biru)

BG 021 .Rp 150.000

BG 020 .tali panjang & pendek bisa di ganti . Rp 150.000

BG 019 Rp 410.000  ,deskripsi : hermes byrkin nilon biru ,ada warna coklat

Ket : PxL (35x30cm),tersedia wrna : abu,marun,item,tali bsa disetel. BG 018 .Rp 90.000

deskripsi : Hermes bolak balik, free dompet
BG 017 .Rp 450.000

deskripsi : hermes, kw super, bahan canvas, ada sertifikat
harga : 450.000. BG 016

BG 017.Rp 120.000

BG 008.jeans bag>Rp 115.000

BG 007.two tone bag >Rp 120.000

BG 006.Elegant bag .Rp 120.000

BG 023 .Rp 250.000 ,tinggal warna pink

BG bag >Rp 120.000

BG 003.LV alexa ungu > Rp 105.000

BG 002.Party bag > Rp 100.000

BG 001.Burberrys creme > Rp.120.000

BG 004.Purple Bag >Rp115.000

BG 022 .Rp 240.000